Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Friday Lunch at the Garden

My friend Julia, creator of Pandora's Bread Box and I  decided to team up to bring the ultimate in locally-produced, harvested-at-the-peak-of-perfection, organically and sustainably-grown food. 

Julia started Pandora's Bread Box as a Community Supported Bread Box (CSB) last year. She is very interested on the connection with food, ingredients and building community through it. You all know what I've been up to for the last few years and how much I love and enjoy being in the garden and sharing the space and its food with others. So after some thinking and planning we decided the best way for both of us to expand our interest was by joining forces and hosting lunch at the Algarden on Friday's (weather permitting). The lunch will feature ingredients lovingly tended and harvested from the garden, and hand-crafted artisan bread from Pandora's Bread Box. The bread will be baked the morning of the lunch and the food will be harvested and prepared by Julia and I. 
We want the lunch, aside from being a delicious nourishment and an excuse to get you out to the garden, to be an opportunity to learn more about different things going on in the garden, sustainable practices that you can implement in your lifestyle and a way to support your local entrepreneurs. Every lunch will have a small lecture on the different seasonal ingredients used on the menu and other related topics.

What: Community-supported lunch (menu will change every week depending on what is in season)
When: Fridays at 12:30
Where: The Algarden on Hearst between 7th and 8th streets
How Much: Lunch is $9. All proceeds go to supporting the ongoing care of the garden and Pandora's Bread Box

We only have limited spots, and we need to know be Thursday night if you are coming so we can cook enough food, so please reserve your spot in advance. 

We're looking forward to bringing out passions together, and hope you will come to have fun, relax, learn something new and have some delicious food
Here are some pictures from last week Algarden Lunch Cafe - the test run. 


The menu:
  • Young fava bean soup with cream and beats
  • Mixed green salad with garden flowers and a lemon/honey/cilantro vinaigrette
  • Walnut sourdough bread
  • Mint infused lemonade
  • Honey comb-fresh from the hive
The lecture was on Favas and all its wonderful properties as a nitrogen fixer for soil
It was quite a lovely lunch on a beautiful spring day - I hope you can come to the next one!

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